
Morpheus8 Tightens & Rejuvenates Skin

About the Treatment

The first and only full-body fractional technology for subdermal adipose remodeling (SARDS). Despite being applied externally, it offers the deepest fractional technology, allowing a physician or aesthetic provider to target deep layers of a patient’s skin and remodel collagen.

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Key Benefits of Morpheus8

  • Deep and safe fractional treatment penetrating 4000 microns with an additional thermal profile of 1000+ microns.

  • Extremely uniform effect.

  • Little to no thermal damage to dermis.

  • Safe on skin type up to and including VI with little risk of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) which is common with other resurfacing methods.

What We Can Treat


Morpheus8 targets subdermal layers of the skin and tissue to remodel collagen on the face and body. This improves wrinkles, fine lines, skin texture, skin laxity, and hyperhidrosis. There can even be some improvement in pore appearance, stretch marks, and acne scarring with aggressive treatment.


This fractional skin treatment stimulates the production of collagen in the underlying layers of the dermis. It can be used on most body parts with the most popular being the lower face and neck.


Morpheus8 effectively remodels and skin and tissue with minimal risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Patients should expect little to no thermal damage to skin types I – VI)

Radio Frequency Micro-Needling Pricing

  • $2400 for 3 Sessions
    add full neck = $500 for 3 Sessions

    Add Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)


  • $800 Per Treatment
    may vary based on surface area

    Add Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)
