Injectable Fillers
Wrinkle Fillers with Instant Results
About the Treatment
Modern injectable fillers are soft gels that are safely injected into lines, shadows, wrinkles, and areas where aging has caused volume loss, such as the cheeks and lips. The results are instant and amazing. Visit www.RestylaneUSA.com for more information on one of our families of fillers.
Prices are based on the amount of product needed. Dr. Emery, Laho, RN and Rachel, RN like to start with a conservative amount to achieve subtle, natural-looking improvements. More filler can be added if more effect is desired. See www.juvederm.com for more information on one of our other families of fillers.
Key Benefits of Injectable Fillers
Subtle to drastic improvements based on customized dosages
Minimally invasive
Cheek or lip plumping
Softening of marionette lines and smile lines
Injectable Filler Options & Pricing
Ultra XC, Vollure XC, Volbella XC, Voluma XC
Regular, Lyft, Silk, Refyne, Defyne
Filler prices range from $650-$850 per syringe, depending on which product is used, how long you want it to last, and the area being treated. Most areas need 1-2 syringes per region: such as marionette lines, lips, nasolabial folds, or cheek augmentation.
Both Restylane and Juvederm have patient reward programs you can join for savings.