Book An Appointment
By Appointment Only
17879 Valley Ridge Lane
Mount Vernon, WA 98274
(360) 848-7946
Please arrive on time, it is not necessary to arrive early. Prior to any procedure we will provide you with a Free Consultation regarding the services you are interested in. We will ask you about your skin’s history and your goals, examine your skin, and answer your questions. The first procedure is usually performed at that same visit, after the consultation, if desired.
If you have trouble using the app, finding a spot, or getting this form to work on your device, please directly e-mail us using appointments@littlemountainlaser.com.
Appointments that are scheduled for after regular business hours (6:30pm) appointments & on unscheduled weekends may incur a $100 convenience charge.
Because treatment times are reserved for you, we request that you notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
Same-day cancellations & no-shows will be charged a fee
$100 FEE for appointments that were 1 hour or less
$200 FEE for appointments that were longer than 1 hour
No-shows and same-day appointment cancellations create significant monetary and lost opportunity costs. Certain appointment times are particularly desirable so it is important that you give us the opportunity to fill the space with someone waiting for that time frame.
A missed appointment may result in a charge and/or loss of the “6th free” treatment of a series. This insures all other clients the opportunity to enjoy our services.
Please do not no-show; it’s MUCH worse than a late cancellation.
Directions to Little Mountain Laser
Take I-5 south to Mount Vernon. Exit on Anderson Road. Turn Left at the end of ramp. Turn Right onto Cedardale. Pass the business plazas. Turn Left onto E. Hickox Road. Go approx. 1 mile. You will pass the fire station (on the right) and Sahale road (on left). After you pass Sahale, you will pass 5 driveways on the left. Valley Ridge Lane is immediately past the 5th driveway. Turn left onto Valley Ridge Lane. The entrance is on the right, half way up the hill, below the white house with blue trim. Please drive slowly on our little road.
Take I-5 North towards Mount Vernon. Exit at Old Hwy 99 (#224). Turn Right at end of ramp. Turn Left onto Cedardale. Take first Right onto E. Hickox Rd. Go approx. 1 mile. You will pass the fire station (on the right) and Sahale road (on left). After you pass Sahale, you will pass 5 driveways on the left. Valley Ridge Lane is immediately past the 5th driveway. Turn left onto Valley Ridge Lane. The entrance is on the right, half way up the hill, below the white house with blue trim. Please drive slowly on our little road.